Monday, 21 October 2013


I'm having a sane patch! Since my friend sent me an electronic thing finder, life is a breeze. Never again will I lose my keys or my purse! It's wonderful!!!

I gardened - the ground is like rock even though it is only October. Mysteriously, a deep cut has appeared on my middle finger and a big bruise on my wrist.  Tomorrow, I'm going to the garden centre. It's my version of Fatal Attraction. 

The Cecille Brunner climbing rose attacked me. I was running my fingers through my hair in the evening while lying in bed reading my favourite genre - the crime novel, when I came across a large thorn embedded in my skull. Roses can be so mean!

I've moved on in my home decorating. I started with the conservatory so there is stuff from there everywhere.  Then I moved on to the kitchen, so that stuff is everywhere.  Now I'm onto the bathroom.  Need I say more!

I could even mention the exterios wall that has needed a 2nd coat of paint since last fall and the she doors that need coat 3 since coat 2 looks patchy. Actually, the list just goes on and on so I won't bore you with it.

It's just so tedious to start a job and finish it before moving to the next one.

Also, the older you get, the less you care!

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


I went to book group. I got most of the way there and had a brainfart. Decided I had somehow passed the road so turned around and went back a bit. Then decided I hadn’t passed the road so turned around again and proceeded without further incident. 

Considering that I have been there several times before and know quite well where the road is, I have decided the temporary lull in the daily stupidity was due to inaction.

I made up for it by having 2 whole conversations with someone about an email I had sent that had not arrived.

After I got home I worked it out that I hadn’t sent this person any email at all and the person I should have been talking to was absent from our meeting.

One of my friends recently told me I wasn't going senile, I just was a bit distracted. And she should know as she was a psychiatric nurse for years!

I shall put this episode down to the pain in my backside and the prospect of surgery.

Sunday, 6 October 2013


I've been almost totally normal lately! Probably due to lying about with my leg propped up to fix the damage that stool did to me. A month later and I'm still popping antibiotics.
And to add to my woes, SCIATICA!  2 collapsed discs and the forecast of osteo arthritis to come. 
None of it makes good reading but what the heck.

I must be better since I've lost the cheese.
I thought Id take my pill, which has to go with food. So I cut a bit of cheese.
Then I saw it was too early to medicate.
Now my dear friend in Chicago friend phoned me - now this is a treat as we hadn't chatted in months.
I knew it was her because the first 3 times the phone went and no-one was there. This only happens with her calls!  Anyway 4th time lucky.

I forgot about the pills until it was 90 minutes past pill time.
The cheese is still out there someplace! 
I gave up looking and cut another piece.