Monday, 9 September 2013

I decided my last few days did not quite fit the criteria of senior daftness.

I stubbed my little toe – the one I broke in a similar incident and still can’t wear court shoes!
I forgot to defrost the cat's meat for 2 days in a row.
I lost my keys but only for a few minutes so that doesn't qualify.

Even today’s wee accident isn't strictly senior – more like sheer stupidity! Though I’m sure that I still believe my body will do things it used to do but now has become willfully unco-operative at times.
You wouldn't want to see my leg instead of this one, would you now!

Having exchanged goods between the attic and the main dwelling, I had to shut the trapdoor. Usually I stand on a wooden chair but I've recently had spinal disc problem so couldn't climb on it as it is a bit high. So I stood on the stool.  Now the stool was a bit far away from the catch so I put one foot on the bed. The stool veered to the right and I started to do the splits before being unceremoniously dumped on the floor. The stool then jabbed me in the leg making spectacular bruises all down my leg.

Well, I lay on the floor for a bit before deciding I wasn't broken, just bruised and proceeded to the kitchen to drink whiskey.  Yes, I did the Rest, Ice and Elevation thing and eventually went to Accident and Emergency. Just to be sure, you understand. They put on a compression bandage and recommended I drink some gin and put my feet up.  

You know doctors have a real handle on things when they recommend gin – every orthopod I've ever consulted recommends it!

1 comment:

  1. sorry to hear about your fall.When i worked in emergency room I feel I heard about every type of fall that could possibly happen.


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