Wednesday, 4 September 2013


After the muddle with the days yesterday, things went quite well. Except I left my today's lunch in a fridge no-one will be revisiting until next Monday. But anyone can do that!

I’m sure it takes special skill to be really daft and I thought dusting the radio/cd/mp3 player and wiping out all the presets doesn't really qualify. Especially since I have done this several times now and still have not figured out exactly how it happens. Must be a Sony design fault! 
I suppose I’ll just have to sit down and reprogram it yet again but at least I wrote down the numbers for my favourite stations after the 2nd time so I’m getting smarter. You have to get sneaky and devious sometimes. 

Nanki Poo shot out the front door light greased lightning when I came home but he does things like that. 
Later I found I that I had shut the cat door and both cats were inside for 5 hours with no litter box. 
So that explains the rush.

It’s only 4.30pm but I’m anticipating that I've filled my quota today!

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