Saturday, 31 August 2013


Most middle-age days are a mix of good and bad, the good far outweighing the bad but the bad can be so pestiferous!

My Coffee Escapes!
Today’s bad news is that the thermos full of coffee fell over in my bag while I was driving the car and a great deal of liquid came out.

Good news! I had put it in a supermarket plastic bag that miraculously did not have a hole in it so it did now spill out and drown my cell phone and Kindle! 

Great portions of life seem to involve either looking for the phone or looking for the keys. 

I  spent 20 minutes looking and not finding  the phone because I had carefully put it in the bag yesterday so I would not forget it...   Well, I didn't forget it, did I - another triumph  lol.

Thursday, 29 August 2013

The Great Frozen Roast Dinner Hunt

I can't be bothered cooking every day.  I make food in batches and freeze it in dinner-sized containers with no labels. Once upon a time I wrote on the bags but now I just hope.  Mostly this method works but occasionally I wind up eating frozen stewed apple instead of casserole. 
C'est la vie.

Today I spend a good half hour looking for a frozen meal.  I was sure I removed it from the freezer and put it on the bench, but later in the day, I couldn't find it anywhere. Yikes!  I has visions of the dinner defrosting - the smell - the stained carpet or furniture - the knowledge that it was somewhere rapidly decaying.  

I searched and searched but nowhere did I find.

Eventually it came to me.....

In the morning I had stared into the freezer for a while, fingering a nice roast. But then decided that I would leave the frozen meal until next time I was feeling tired at the end of the day and wanted something quick. 

It makes a change from losing my keys!


Last weekend a friend of mine did some tree chopping. Let’s call her Jenny. She’s a few years older than me.

We’ll first flash back to before Christmas to where the tree felling was held up somewhat by her falling off the ladder. Jenny’s feet were about 8” up the ladder. (That’s about ceiling height in most modern homes!).

Luckily Jenny fell flat on her back, managing to prevent the ladder and tools from falling upon her and avoiding falling in the garden waste bag. After a week in hospital plus some months recovery time, the story jumps to the present.

The debris is now a size that could be cut with loppers and put in the garden waste bag. The bag is a large hessian arrangement on a metal frame - about waist height.  However, it was filling to fast so Jenny decided to climb into the bag and jump up and down to compact the clippings. Well, one does, doesn't one? Apart from anything, it's fun!

Jenny was jumping with such enthusiasm that the bag toppled down the slight grassy slope, ejecting her. With a final flourish, the bag pushed her down a wee drop onto the concrete, breaking her new glasses and badly grazing her arm. When I saw her, she was sporting several bits of sticking plaster and a real beaut shiner.

When out walking, women looked at her with understanding and sympathy while men looked embarrassed and looked away. Such is the frequency of domestic violence in our genteel society. (or so the news media would have us believe anyway).

That’s a thing with aging.  The mind is still young and vigorous but alas, the body isn't on the same page.